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It is necessary to solve the "Russian problem". They, like us, the authoriites had a louse in the casing, and pomrut rather than razožmut. Just because without us they would die. Will die in the mental, ideological, political, social sense.

Die like Antaeus, divorced from mother earth.

Why and how is the topic of another very long conversation. Here except to say that we do not return to Europe until we leave on my own … And Russia can release only in two ways: either kill her or "hiding" from it.

"Hide" pockets straight, much easier than a monster dunk. Here, let's talk about this.

As you know, all the layers and groups in Russian society today (as always) completely in solidarity in the age-old imperial passion "grasping and not let them in." The unprecedented rise of the chauvinistic replied mother Russia at Putin's aggression against Ukraine. 83% of Russians support their President's foreign policy!

This nation, deeply suffering due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the breakdown of the Empire, its power would support any action aimed at the restitution of former glory and power.

What to do in a situation of acute confrontation with Russia, "Russian world" us?

It is obvious that the military forces of Russia and Ukraine today are not comparable, and we have no hope to smash the enemy in the battle field regular armies and drive once and for all its triumphant March in the mokšanskie marshes.

So, for symmetric response now is not the time. But, perhaps, there is the option of an asymmetric response?

How to make any Russian invasion on our territory of the pointless? As a clever stunt to withdraw itself from the sphere of attention of the northeastern predator?

It's like having a tyrannosaur. Watched "Jurassic Park"? Predator saw only moving objects, and still appeared to him invisible. So how do we become "invisible" for "Tyrannosaurus" Russ?

Useful advice in this case is contained in the known history of the Tower of Babel. The essence of the story is this: people are going to do something together, but the Lord mixed their languages, they no longer understand each other and dispersed in different directions.

But we, Ukrainians, too, want to break up with the Russians. So what prevents us from? A common language!

General civilizational code if you want.

Note in some parts of the former Soviet republics Moscow organizing separatist movements? In Transnistria, Crimea, Northern Kazakhstan, Eastern Estonia. In a Word, where the Russian Orthodox people who write in Cyrillic-that is related to the "Russian civilization" that are part of the "Russian world".

After all, what is "Russian world"? This is, relatively speaking, any place under the Sun, where reading Pushkin in the original. That means that in this place and speak Russian), b) write in Cyrillic and) share "Orthodox values".

That's right: language, religion, alphabet-basic civilizational snippets of code, three whales.

Note that most Moscow hawks said on Ukraine's accession to the "Zbruch", saying that "no longer Ukraine and Galicia", "RUS" (although it is Galicia in the Middle Ages was called "Rus′kim voevodstvo").

Do you know why Moskali not interested in Galicia? Because Catholics live there, speaking in Ukrainian. And here's to the Zbruch live Orthodox who often use Russian-so Moscow will never lose interest in this site.

Moscow had nothing to do there, where foreign language, write and pray to a different God. So Moscow will not invade the alien for "Russian world" land-there is still not a foothold: assimilate the alien civilization "pieces" is extremely difficult, there is no time or energy.

From history we know that assimilation of Ruthenia was given Moscow much easier than Georgia, Tatarstan or Lithuania. Precisely because Georgians, Tartars and Lithuanians had language, writing and religion distinct from Moscow. And little Russians differed from the Russians only language, and even then not much.

Thus, those who offer to give the Russian language in Ukraine the status of a second State and supports the existence of Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate are automatically perpetuated the danger of the Russian invasion. Because it is unavožennaâ the soil.

Accordingly, we should knock these three stone from the foundations of Russian claims to us. How to do it?

Let's be consistent. If we really consider ourselves a part of Europe, cannot make use of the Russian language, Orthodox version of Christianity and the Cyrillic alphabet. Because this is the true signs of the "Russian world". In Europe, everything is different. In Europe speak their native languages, Latin and profess Roman Catholicism or Protestantism rather than orthodoxy.

There are, of course, Alpha-religious exceptions in "new Europe" (such as Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia), but this country border, they do not define the format and concept of Europe (and live poorer than all).

But real, 100% Europe is, of course, Catholicism/Protestantism and Latin.

Let's start with the language. You can see for yourself that the Ukrainian by definition must remain one of our official language. And the more the country will ukrainizirovat′sâ the better. After all, the less remains of the Russian language, the less chance the Russian invasion.

In this case, perhaps we should maximally clear Ukrainian language from 100 years of accumulated in it during the Soviet experiments on the "convergence of languages". The farther the Ukrainian will be from the Russian, the less the soil underfoot, we leave the so-called champions of the "Russian world".

Now religion. As of 2011 year 12 340 parishes in Ukraine Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church parishes 5690 (Autocephalous and Kyiv Patriarchate), 4618 parishes "Vatican" Churches (Catholic and Greek-Catholic), as well as the main Protestant parishes 5258 churches (Baptist, Pentecostal and seventh-day Adventists).

Thus, if left outside the scope of the other few denominations, we can say that Moscow Popov-44% of the Ukrainian religious "marketplace", Ukrainian Orthodox-not more than 20%, Catholics and Greek Catholics, about 17%, while the Protestants-19%.

So mental springboard "Russian world" in our country is almost half of the total mental "territory" of the Ukrainians. It is deadly dangerous. We must do everything possible to reduce the enemy bridgehead.

The joint activity of the Ukrainian Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants is the best way to end the "Russian world" in the religious sphere. Any of these three options is suitable for us. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which would be focused on Constantinople, it is certainly much more advantageous position compared to Moscow with their butts, that is, in fact, rather than the Russian FSB officers of the Moscow Patriarchate.

However, with civilizational perspective better for Ukraine still Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. Firstly, because these two religious format truly "European." And if we really, honestly want in Europe, so let's go and let's be Europeans in all respects. That did not, as in the famous anecdote about the shorts and the cross.

Secondly, Protestantism and Catholicism is much more efficient than orthodoxy, "civilizational races". See which States are world leaders in the past six centuries (since the Renaissance). First Catholic-Venice and other Italian sen′orii, then Portugal, Spain, France. Further Protestant-Holland, England and the United States.

Even then the only State that could defy the Anglo-Saxons who twice in the struggle for world domination-Germany-is half Catholic and half Protestant.

Catholic and Protestant countries of Europe are always stronger, richer and more "prodvinutee" than the Orthodox. This is due to the intrinsic Catholicism and Protestantism of respect to human rights, the primacy of the individual before the public, respect for creativity and to any honest work, support for education and many other valuable features, giving these two religious formats a decisive advantage in front of orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism or any other competitors in the "civilizational races". So let's finally join the winners!

And then, in addition to the direct and natural benefits of the rapid development of civilization, we get another: "Russian world" forever lose in Ukraine its mental springboard.

And, following the language of communication, we otdelimsâ from Russia and our "religious language".

Now on ABC. It is clear that a significant number of our compatriots even the thought of having to switch from Cyrillic to Latin, it seems blasphemous. They immediately remind you of "Ostrog Bible" and what letters he wrote.

Still, let's be pragmatic. Today Cyrillic is a small backward enclave in a wide vsepobeždaûŝem sea Roman. All or almost all of the significant scientific information and literary works, philosophical treatises and political acts of modern times are written in Latin. It is Latin today-language technologies, new ideas and concepts, language, civilization, the language of the future.

And Cyrillic-language "Russian world", dying at its cold desert expanses in the stench of oil vapors.

So I again invite us to determine the "cowards and dagger": we are part of the "Russian world" or Europe?

In the end, we abandoned the name "RUS" and became "Ukrainians"-only to not have anything to do with the Russians. So why make the same with language, religion and alphabet we can not?

We never become Europeans to start without changing its appropriately civilized code.

When Mustafa Kemal Atatürk wanted to transform medieval, backward Ottoman Empire into a modern European Turkey, he resolutely and mercilessly swapped code "Muslim world" to "European". Turkey became a secular State, the Ottomans changed in European clothing, and Arabic characters changed. in Latin. And see where the "Muslim world" and where Turkey.

But here's an even better example. In 1569 Union of Lublin, was concluded as a result of which the Polish Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Samogitia, and Rus′koe merged to form the Commonwealth. In this State have converged to fight two powerful civilizational waves-European (conditionally: Catholic-Latin) and Russian (Russian Orthodox). The European tide for various reasons unable to overwhelm Lithuania, but in Ukraine, a wave of Ruska proved stronger.

Thus, Lithuania became the "European" and Ukraine remained "rus′koj". And where now Lithuania and Ukraine? At that starting position in two of these countries were absolutely in favour of Ukraine: Lithuania was poor and unfrequented forest backwater, and Ukraine-Rus-rich, developed country with strong cultural tradition.

Lithuania and today is a European. And Ukraine of "rus′kogo" the world is caught in "Russian" which is immeasurably worse.

So, can still go back home in Europe?

By the way, to change the alphabet isn't as difficult as it may seem at first glance.

For example, when in 1920-ies SOVIET UNION seriously prepared to begin a world revolution, with the aim of integration into the global cultural and informational space, it was decided to transfer all the languages of the peoples of the USSR to Latin.

You knew about it?

As a result, of the 72 languages of peoples of the USSR, had transferred to Latin alphabet, 50, and several more were in the process. Yes what to say Latin alphabet in three versions was established by the Commission under the supervision of Prof. N.f. Yakovlev even for Russian language!

The truth is, then, when Stalin changed his mind to commit world revolution, all languages of the USSR was transferred into Cyrillic. Almost all except three Baltic languages, two Caucasian (Georgian and Armenian), as well as the German and Yiddish.

In this case, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Moldova once again switched to Latin. Their example is preparing to follow and Kazakhstan.

Recall, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan-Eastern countries, organic part of the "Muslim world". But they chose Latin because care about their future.

That bothers to do the same and to us? We are, it seems, Europeans!

Ah, Yes, traditions … Well, here it is necessary to say that, for example, next our neighbors-Slavs-the Poles, Czechs and Slovaks-just use the Latin alphabet. And the next-Belarusians are used in Latin with the 17 century, written in classical works of the Belarusian literature and even published the very first Belarusian newspaper "Peasant prauda (1860-ies). Total Soviet "Russification" Finally the Belarusian Latin alphabet ("lacinku", as they say) dokonala, but diaspora continues to use it today.

As regards Ukrainian Latin alphabet. then it too existed since 17 century, as Belarusian (although we all come from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). In the 19th century on the Ukrainian lands were part of the Austrian Empire, were created two codified version of the Ukrainian Roman-Lozinskiy (based on the Polish alphabet) and Irečeka (on the basis of the Czech). In particular, Ukrainian Latin was used in official communication by the authorities of Austria-Hungary, then Czechoslovakia and Romania with his Ukrainian nationals. It is clear that with the arrival of the Soviet "liberators" this whole "Latin bench" was quickly shuttered.

However, the importance of integrating our country into the European and global information space is understood in modern Ukraine. How, for example, says Anatoly Pavlenko: "… Cyrillic lost competition with the Latin alphabet. Remember the public rooms of automobiles, driver's license, passport and computers, and much more. It already puts additional challenges for the citizens and the State. When the Turks, Moldovans, Turkmens, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks and many others strongly renounced the Arabic alphabet and the Cyrillic alphabet, they lost nothing. They exist, and their historical heritage left in them. Silly to have different letters for the same sounds. 72% Cyrillic already today can be seamlessly replaced by Latin. In advertising, this process is already happening spontaneously and over the years expanded.

Who was abroad, that on himself felt that he "removed" from civilization, there is typically not computers "understand" the Cyrillic alphabet. And it's not just the keyboard, but also in software.

And talk about what the Ukrainian language "rests" in the Latin alphabet, do not stand up to scrutiny. Just because Ukrainian already "laid down" in Latin. Not to mention the related pol′s′kom, Slovak, Czech, who now on her "lie".

If the version of Him and we are not satisfied with Irečeka-no question. Let's try the Croatian "gaevicu" (use Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian and Montenegrin languages). It seems set up for us.

Stopped with the change of alphabet Turks be themselves? But Montenegrins, Moldovans or Uzbeks? Or lost their long-standing rich culture?

May, with the aim of preserving historic authenticity will not move with the parchment on a laptop? And what, after all, had not Shevchenko computer!

Perhaps then and develop language will not enter new words? Confine ourselves to the vocabulary "Ostrog Bible"? (She, by the way, in Church Slavonic was written. The Russians will be delighted.)

This is just ridiculous.

The world does not stand still-and we cannot. And if we understand that all these measures can save our country and our people from the "Russian world" as well as introduce us into the family of civilized nations League in the same Europe we yell at every corner, these measures must be applied immediately and without hesitation.

And Russia will not see us at point-blank range.

And everything will be wonderful.


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