
Ships of the naval forces of several NATO countries participate in joint exercises in the Black Sea. As reported Wednesday by the press service of the NAVY of Bulgaria, in the next two days will be held PASSEX type exercises to the South-East of Constanţa, outside the territorial waters of Romania.

Attended the second permanent naval Group (United Kingdom, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, United States and Turkey), as well as the NAVY of Bulgaria, Romania and Canada.

The program includes communication exercises, joint tactical maneuvering, exchange of buoys and underwater environment, as well as reflection surface and air attacks of the enemy. The maneuvers the two ships of the Romanian NAVY frigate, Spanish Admiral Juan de Borbon (ESPS Almirante Juan de Borbon, military classification, F-102), a Canadian frigate Toronto (HMCS Toronto) and frigate "Dryzki" NAVY of Bulgaria.

Ships of the second permanent NATO naval group will make an informal set port of Varna, where there will be from 19 to 22 September.


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